Transform Board Problems into Board Performance

Is your nonprofit board under performing? Is it a burden rather than a strategic asset?

What would it mean to have a dynamic board that fulfills its potential to advance your mission?

Even better – imagine what it would be like to love your board!

This new book by Mary Hildan, phd, “Love Your Board” will help you optimize how your board operates in three key dimensions:

  • Capacity
  • Connection
  • Culture

Get your copy today!

As a special bonus, when you purchase “Love Your Board!” you’ll get tools and resources to help you enhance board performance valued at $2,000!

What readers are saying

“I have known Mary Hiland for almost thirty years. Her experience as an executive director and as a consultant brings to light the real-life challenges of nonprofit executives. She has done the research, walked the path, trained hundreds of nonprofits in better governance, and highlights actionable steps toward maximizing your board potential. Love Your Board! provides a wealth of invaluable knowledge.”

Patricia Gardner
Former CEO, Silicon Valley Council of Nonprofits
PAG Leadership Consulting

“Over three decades as a nonprofit chief executive, few things have been more critical to success than that of a well-functioning and strategically powerful board. Too often, a board of directors has challenges that can only be resolved by doing the hard work of identifying and then solving its weaknesses. In her book, Mary Hiland does a masterful job guiding the chief executive to help board members identify telltale symptoms and follow them to the problem’s root causes. Having taken this journey together, they are then guided along the path toward resolution. Love Your Board! is for any executive director/CEO who wants to help their board achieve its full potential.”

Ted Hart, ACFRE, CAP®
President and CEO, CAF America

“I loved this book! It is easy to follow, warm, and congenial. It is evidence-based, and the examples illustrate and move the reader through the processes Mary recommends. The tree metaphor made the book feel like the advice and information given is organic and could become part of the fabric of an organization. I highly recommend it to all executive directors.”

Maria Nicolacoudis
CEO, Hearts & Minds Activity Center

About the Author

Mary Hiland, Ph.D., brings over 40 years of experience to nonprofit leaders to create a paradigm shift about how to develop an informed and inspired board that is truly an asset. Her mission is to help nonprofits ignite and unleash the potential of the board, getting rid of the mindset that a board is a burden. Her deep expertise and hands-on experience bring credibility and confidence to nonprofit leaders who know she understands because she’s “been there”.